Final Project – First On Twitter – Part II

The tweets are coming in and I am able to write them on the screen and the text to speech is reading the text out loud! The next step is now to figure out how to bring in a television signal into openframeworks so that the tweets are displayed on top of live TV. I asked Jeff and he said to get a tv tuner. I already had an EyeTV so I tried that, but it didn’t work. I did some research on the openframeworks forum and found out that openframeworks is not compatible with EyeTV.
Jonah then suggested to use The Tube, but it didn’t work either.

During class this week Jonah helped me trying to figure out what could be an inexpensive alternative.
I ordered the iGrabber and will play with it as soon as it arrives. Fingers crossed!

I’ve been looking for an old TV to display the tweets but I haven’t found one that I like. I want very old TV with knobs. It’s been raining for three days and haven’t been able to go to my town’s E-Waste dumpster. I went to the regular thrift shops I visit and the tube TVs they have are not old enough…

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