Tag: rube goldberg machine

rube goldberg experiment : final documentation

group members: Thom, Nate, Firm + Kate here is a video : Project description : Inputs + Outputs : Everything goes by super fast in the video, but to break things down here’s the flow: 1) The power gets activated. (Shown by pushing the ‘test’ button on the power supply) 2) Power activates the motor …

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(Final) Team Project: Rube Goldberg Machine

Team: Lawrence Baker Devon Dill Marisela Riveros Input switch #1: Round metal covers High gage wire Body: HP Printer Guitar Hero whammy bar Fretboard Internet router antenna Input switch #2: High gage wire Internet router antenna Round metal covers Ramp: Metal pannel 5 PC fans Car: Microsoft mouse Cabinet rail wheels 4 gage wires Plastic …

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rube goldberg machine – final assembly


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Working with out findings

My group had multiple scavenged devices to take apart and consider: A printer, a blender, a light, an old hot oven plate, a drum table for an x box game–that we spent much of the first week just unscrewing things and seeing what we could find. I think we were all still very generally confused …

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Rube Goldberg project : Documentation


Updated Map and Assignment One

To date the useful things I have gathered on various trash runs include an epson photo quality printer, an oil lamp, poster tubes, a router, and a laptop mouse. Located below is a link to a map of my neighborhood and the locations of good trash areas or areas that I found the above material. …

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Assignment #1: Rube Goldberg Machine

Team: Larry Baker Parinot Kunakornwong Marisela Riveros Mark Schindel DAY 1 We pulled apart most of the e-junk we had. One of the printers still worked and had movement so we decided to use it for our machine. MATERIALS: Guitar Hero Digital Video Recorder 2 printers (new and old) Internet router After putting everything apart, …

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