Category: Information

Tangible Musical Interfaces Performance Dr. Sabine Seymour | Assistant Professor of Fashionable Technologypresents Martin Kaltenbrunner, who will discuss his work in sound technology and interaction design. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 80 Fifth Ave, Room 802 6-9pm Martin Kaltenbrunner is Professor at the Interface Culture Lab, University of Art and Industrial Design in Linz. His research concentrates on tangible user interfaces and the …

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Cory Arcangel’s Pro Tools

I went to see the exhibition just before the last day. So I want to shared some photos for some of you that miss to go there!              In my opinion, the most interesting part of these series of work. Is how the artist combine the scene of art and technology …

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Rube Goldberg Recyclism Machine Example

This is an example of a rube goldberg project conneting multiple recycled objects together: ReFunct Media v2.0 @ruared from recyclism on Vimeo.

wk 1 readings

It was helpful to read the background on the Scrapyard Challenges. I had been initially interested in the class from an appropriation/re-using standpoint, and also provide low-cost ways and require little prior experience to physical computing. I realyy liked seeing the parallels drawn between these workshops and larger themes of of DIY, hacking and pop …

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readings : week 1

7 Overrated Technologies and their Underrated Low-Tech Alternatives I thought this was an interesting article because it points out how newer technologies are useful, but not necessarily the only way of maintaining green solutions. Libraries are now being utilized by fewer and fewer people because of the rise in E-books, Kindle etc. Electronic books are …

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Class starting Soon!

Welcome to the course blog for the Scrapyard Challenge Collaboration Studio!