Elizabeth Tolson

Author's posts

Tea Cups

For my final project for scrapyard I wanted to explore not only into lost and found technology but how this idea would relate to feminist theories. “Nuclear Families” are no longer a normal set american ideal and that stay out home moms, “housewives”, are phasing out. Yet society places these gender onto young girls and …

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I didn’t really take deadtech and turn it into something different. Instead I created a different interface for the gameboy. I feminized the gameboy into a gamegirl. I’m slowly learning LSDJ so maybe one day I will be able how to create music.   I used a heart shaped box I had sitting around my …

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Project 1: Write up

1. Who was in your group? Elizabeth Clare and Xiaoye Lin (Lain) 2. What did you create? We built a switch that drops from a pole to trigger the motor on the printer to start spinning the conveyer belt. 3.What junk did you use to build your project? We used the motor and conveyer belt …

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Pictures from Project One!

Here are some pictures of our processes along with some of my sketches! Stay tuned for an awesome video!

Welcome to Woodside!

The garbage collection has been a little off these past two weeks because of the hurricane then labor day but luckily I found some pretty neat things! Not a lot of electronics but lots of furniture!   Garbage Hunt Woodside Style

Week 1: Reading

Response to: Lessons from the scrapyard: creative uses of found materials within a workshop setting One of the most interesting things to me about scrapyard challenge is how the class is going to be taught. I did not realize how hard it is to tech/learn skills such as hacking and circuit bending. This is another …

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